Location:USA (Can message you for more exact)
Timezone:Eastern Standern Time Zone
Join Date:April 12th
Were you recommended by anyone?:Xeadin, Hutchinske, TheWholeLoaf (Mods can add on if they want to)
Why you should become a moderator:Well I have seen times where tere was one moderator on, I'm very active so I can be on the server when some moderators aren't. I have posted two applications in the past, If you want to review them you can. I have a bit of experience helping other people and some of the server commands. If I had to choose three words to describe me I would choose active, calm, and mature. I have not been banned other than a mistaken greif. (I was helping someone) I understand all the server rules and will make sure they are followed. In my opinion, I am limited of how much I can help, the only reason I want to be moderator is to help other people, not for the flying. I understand that sometimes things aren't easy. (an example is banning you friend) If I ever have to ban a friend, I would treat him or her the same way I would treat anyone else.I honestly think I will be a good moderator
I have some vacations planned but the vacations will be a week at most.
From that, I leave you,
I can remove if you guys want me to
Support List:
B1ueJ0ker, techdude98, gavin1982374655, Mcjunker