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ATTENTION: There is now officially a crew called "The Partay Rockas". They will be in charge of organising events like Prom, but on different occasions and holidays. We will have a place where you can apply to get into this committee, but it will be MUCH harder to get in to then the Prom committee. The head of the committee is Myself and Larkosaurus. Some events we will put on will be posted one month before that event will take place. More info will be available on these created events. We would also like an op, mod, and hopefully admin representative from each of those ranks to join the committee, but anyone that is a member+ may apply. SIGN UP http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,11688.0.html (not sure how to make the link just say "here".)-Lord
Lord, Btw why was I rejected?
I think what computergamer was trying to say was rejected people would feel more satisfied if they know their rejection reason.