Age: 14
Location: United Kingdom
Timezone: GMT
Join Date: 4th September
Were you recommended by anyone?: I was not recommended by anyone but my heart.
Why you should become a moderator: Im used to being a moderator or an admin, and like to solve problems, and give compromises and ideas to help in situations. Normally when a regular player does this, they just curse him out and get even more angry than eachother. When a moderator does this, they calm down, and explain the situation. If not, the mod uses his powers to learn the three sides of the story. One persons side, the other persons side, and the truth. Unfortunately thats how it is in just about every argument, and the third side is always the hardest to find. Thats the kind of challange I like, and being a moderator is challanging. I love a challange, because it stimulates your brain, in a way you wouldnt normally do. Thats why I want to be a moderator.