Age: 14
Location: Amman, Jordan
Timezone: GMT +2
Join Date: 29th of March
Were you recommended by anyone?: ViperZeroOne, Omaroo2
Why you should become a moderator: Well, I was rejected 2 times. But.....this Third application shows that I am VERY eager to become a moderator on this server. I am always there to help people, and look forward to help more if I get this title. I don't have much to say because I have written huge paragraphs on my other apps. But, if you'd ask me to describe myself in three words...Reliable, Helpful, and Respectful
NOTE: I was not online for a few days because I am on vacation....Sadly, from this day till the 14th of this month, I won't be online because of a SUMMER CAMP. So HOPEFULLY, when I come back, Im eager to thanks the people who support me and if I made it.
Thank you for taking your time...