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Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« Reply #240 on: July 08, 2012, 11:04:34 pm »
As I recalled slime ball hit 10000 once, so technically inflation.(or demand and supply):/
By the way I removed my post, your post made mine look stupid haha.


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Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« Reply #241 on: July 08, 2012, 11:25:51 pm »
AHHH ok so lets just end this here, Opticraft cant have inflation because..... wait for it..... we dont have an economy, there is no value to our currency, so inflation cant exist


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Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« Reply #242 on: July 09, 2012, 04:38:36 am »
I am only going to say this one more time. Inflation is the increase in prices due to the devaluing of the currency (usually caused by an increase in the flow of cash). Since our currency is infinite and can never lose value, we CANNOT have inflation. Inflation is NOT the same thing as supply and demand.
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Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« Reply #243 on: July 09, 2012, 04:48:59 am »
Ok this server cannot have inflation because there is an infinite amount of money that the market has.

Basically there is input, output, and circulation.

Input is money that is removed from the server economy when a player purchases an item from the market.

Output is the money that is added to the server economy from the market when a player sells an item to the market.

Circulation is the money going from player to player, round and round, as everyone buys and sells stuff to each other. Money is not added nor removed from the econ. but simply moved around.

Now if Slimeballs were selling for 10K for one, then that is supply and demand. If the supply of slimeballs gets so low that players don't want to give them up as easily, then it may take 10K to get that player to sell the slimeballs. Hence the supply and demand thing does take effect here.

However we are getting off-topic, and I do not have anything to add to the topic of this thread, therefore if someone has something they can add maturely to the topic of which this thread is about then please do so.

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Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« Reply #244 on: July 09, 2012, 01:15:51 pm »
skip to "suggestions" at the end if you don't want to read.

I dunno why you guys are arguing about "inflation" and slimeballs, lol... but ya

what's up. I'm pretty new here.
I played singleplayer (never once played creative) for a long time and never got interested in redstone/etc. I just like to build stuff/find new places (unfortunately not very possible with the live map/borders set as they are, but that's totally understandable)

I came here because it was the first non-pvp server I found, and I'm glad I did, I like it here. I've since made a lot of stuff! And the mods are very helpful. (though I would love the ability to place water *_* they are quick to fill my orders ;)

long story short: I would like money to buy protection stones, but I absolutely cannot afford them. at all. I've bought 2-3 coal stones, but only for the spawners I've found because they're breakable, and so my towers etc get griefed every so often (again yesterday) and I made an animal farm yesterday I'm pretty worried will get destroyed randomly while I'm away =[
Ok sure, I have 7 stacks of iron, but I collected that all on purpose, I want to make a roller coaster eventually and I'm going to need a lot of rails. I want to help out on the big rail project too!

I COULD sell everything I find to make some money... but I go out and mine so I can build stuff!! I'm constantly quarrying because I run out of cobblestone/glass/dirt, etc. =o which may seem silly to the large group of people with mountains of cash by now, but I do not have a mountain of cash.
Even if I did sell everything I've collected up until now it wouldn't be enough to buy a diamond ps and then I would have lost all my iron and gold and everything and be sad......

That's my 1 single problem with the server.
I was working on building melon farms (and having fun doing it) (I'm also not smart enough/don't care enough about redstone mechanics to make them automatic) and sort of saw money and building freedom as a reward for spending the time to build a farm.

IF it causes lagg, then ban them. That's fine with me. That seems entirely unrelated to removing the ability to sell pumkpins/melons though? Why don't we just make it a rule that redstone is not to be used for large projects, and automatics are a bannable offense. I think everyone can agree redstone is really a luxury and less than 1% of the mining/building aspect. Maybe here and there for mob farms, or some fun door mechanics, this and that, but we don't need the GIGANTIC chains setup for farms (I stumbled into the middle of one mining once is the only reason I know)

then again the farms are already there and people may abuse them, so if that's the only thing we can do I'll try other things, but selling stuff I mine is really... not desirable =[ I guess if I have to though.

cap money
outlaw big redstone mechanics (do we need them?)
outlaw automatics (mod discretion applicable case by case)
reduce protection stone costs
make some different ps's that are wide and flat instead of cubed protection.
ie: 51x11y51z or something to that affect.

ps: I have been getting some monsters spawn lately (will animals spawn too randomly?) and plants seem to grow a lot faster, server must be working faster!


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Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« Reply #245 on: July 09, 2012, 08:20:11 pm »
some quick replys, to help you out

cap money
i dont see how this is possible  ;)

outlaw big redstone mechanics (do we need them?)
already happening here and there, under discussion

outlaw automatics (mod discretion applicable case by case)
under discussion, but for the moment just allowed i woudnt agree with removing them tho

reduce protection stone costs
suggested, but rejected couse we dont want griefers to be able to get alot of them easely

make some different ps's that are wide and flat instead of cubed protection.
suggested, being worked on 8), no dicision yet tho

ps: I have been getting some monsters spawn lately (will animals spawn too randomly?) and plants seem to grow a lot faster, server must be working faster!
thats very good, also note the ammount of players online
when there is fewer, you will get way better results  8)
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 08:21:54 pm by Kascas »
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Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« Reply #246 on: July 10, 2012, 02:34:53 am »

cap money
outlaw big redstone mechanics (do we need them?)
outlaw automatics (mod discretion applicable case by case)
reduce protection stone costs
make some different ps's that are wide and flat instead of cubed protection.
ie: 51x11y51z or something to that *effect*.

ps: I have been getting some monsters spawn lately (will animals spawn too randomly?) and plants seem to grow a lot faster, server must be working faster!

I don't think it is a good idea to have money capped, for if one was unaware that they were approaching he cap and sold a bunch of stuff, they would be ripped off and given nothing because they worked and got a lot of money.

I agree with the outlawing big red stone machines somewhat, for I know firsthand how they lag the server but you should be less vague, in other words, define big. Just say something like no bigger than the coverage of a diamond PS.

And yeah, they should have a plugin where pistons can't be placed within a certain distance from a regenerating source (wheat, melons, pumpkins, soon to be cocoa beans, reeds, cactus, cobblestone ,you know)

Ah protection stones, I will agree they are overpriced, however, they have a good reason to be. That reason is because they don't want people just randomly placing protection stones in people's towns, which, in my eyes, is greifing. I hope you see what I saying.

And the other thing about ps's is that the reason why we don't have those narrow one is because you can buy twenty five coal ps's and get the same effect.

And well of course kascas beats me to it -.-
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Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« Reply #247 on: July 10, 2012, 07:49:42 pm »
And well of course kascas beats me to it -.-
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Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« Reply #248 on: July 11, 2012, 08:47:04 pm »
Seriously?  Is this discussion STILL going on?  Oy...
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Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« Reply #249 on: July 13, 2012, 03:59:31 am »
Seriously?  Is this discussion STILL going on?  Oy...
I agree, I have never seen a topic get 2000+ views over 2 things getting removed from the market. Money comes and money goes, just like life does, but you have to make the best of it. We will find a new way to make money, even if it takes picking up a pickaxe and going mining for a few hours. Its called minecraft for a reason...


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Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« Reply #250 on: July 13, 2012, 05:41:29 am »
The loss of melons and pumpkins is not a suprise to me. I think it's great, now players might accually have to be creative and put a little effort into making money. Here's a few ways I make money:

•Selling creations
•Selling houses
•Selling rare items
•Host events-such as spleef,partys-like the opticraft prom, or anything else creative and charge admission and ask for donations AT EVENTS. Don't spam chat asking for donations.
•Doing a job for someone-clearing land/planting wheat/copy builds/gathering recorces/helping biuld/ ect.
•There's also the new lottery.

All these work. I've sold many houses and I'm currently working on one for a player. I just sold slime and mossy cobble for 130k. And I and many others have provided job opportunities for land clearing and replanting. Stop complaining that the extremely easy and effortless way of making money was taken away. Most ppl don't even need a diamond ps. They usually plan on using it to protect either their FARM or a plot of land. But u can easy protect a plot of land that is 41X41 with a wall around it with coal ps's. The centers not protected but If ppl can't get passed the protected wall that's not a problem. Spend only 10k instead of 55k.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 06:03:37 am by TheWholeLoaf »
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Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« Reply #251 on: July 13, 2012, 06:05:42 am »
Melons and pumpkins are gone FOREVER!!!!!

R.I.P. Blocky Jr. - Brutally killed by Kodak on accident