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Author Topic: If the PvP Arena suggestion passes...  (Read 4922 times)

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If the PvP Arena suggestion passes...
« on: July 19, 2012, 11:29:17 pm »
Lots of people had been posting ideas for the PvP arena that is rumored to maybe soon be implemented. The following is my post that I though was simply too long, so I copied and pasted my post here. (This was a reply, so the first little part was towards said players).

Morrison, people will still complain, then this happens "OMG WOW can a admin plz get my stuff back I was at arena!!!" "You are responsible for item loss." "But no one told me that!" "Read the signs next time." "OMG this is unfair! This server is stupid!!! Your mean!!!" Snapethesnipe: Banhammer in three, two, one...

(I imagine this is something Viper deals with...lol) Solution? Inventory/XP restore plugin after you die.

Enough of that. Anyways, what if we had a bunch of plugins and it would be great! Once a while there should be a message. For example:

"Next PvP Team Battle in ___ minutes! Vote for game modes!" To vote for a game mode, they would type /vote (mode)
Some ideas for game modes would be:
CTF- Get the other teams flag to your base while you protect your own.
Siege- Capture the enemy team's base by killing all enemy players in their base.
Slaughterhouse: Team Deathmatch, first to x kills wins.
Elimination- Team Deathmatch, no respawns. Last team standing wins.
Bloodbath- Team Deathmatch. Slaughterhouse rules, but with 4-8 teams.
Archery duel- Bow and Arrow only, no respawns.
Boat duel- Fight while riding a boat! Bow and sword, battle on an ocean, slaughterhouse rules.
Lava duel- No weapons. Push your opponents off a ledga into lava!
Floor duel- Survive as long as you can! But the wooden floor is on fire and leads to lava...

When no Team Battle is going on, it's a random, free roam Free for All in the arena.

Now lets be clear on a few things. No respawns means you cannot join in progress, and after the match starts, there will be a warning: you have 30 seconds until the join time cuts off. Players may not take items in team battles;there is a standard load out containing an iron sword and a potion of choice, with limited option, and another suggestion is maybe they would pay a small amount to respawn with it for the rest of the battle. These potions could be positive or negative. Also, the load out will contain 5 melons and one bread. All in all, load out is,
Iron sword, potion slot, food slots. Possible food loadouts:
5 melons+bread
3 bread
2 steaks (or cooked chicken)
3 cooked fish+3 melons

Possible potions: (Players must pay fee for upgrades, such as splash, increased duration/potency or additional potion)
Instant Health (Upgrades: Splash)
Strength (Upgrades: Increased Duration, Splash)
Speed (Upgrades: Increased Potency, Splash, Additional potion)
Regeneration (Upgrades: Splash)

Negative potions, splash is forced.
Slowness (Upgrades: Increased duration, Additional potion)
Weakness (Upgrades: Increased Potency)
Poison (Upgrades: Additional Potion)
Instant Harm (Upgrades: Increased Potency)

Also, only one upgrade may be chosen. However, if they pick additional potion, the first potion may have an upgrade. Also, I may copy and paste this into a new suggestions thread.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 11:37:18 pm by Snapethesnipe »
I don't play Minecraft anymore and hardly come back to these forums. If you want to contact me, find me on Steam or Instagram. Username for everything is SalsaInABowl.


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Re: If the PvP Arena suggestion passes...
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 11:33:10 pm »
I don't play Minecraft anymore and hardly come back to these forums. If you want to contact me, find me on Steam or Instagram. Username for everything is SalsaInABowl.


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Re: If the PvP Arena suggestion passes...
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2012, 11:49:59 pm »
It's not 100% going to happen, we're only throwing around ideas at this point in time.
I feel your post is much like the plugin "mob arena" and would be great to see this idea implemented in-game.
But at this stage in time it is only ideas.
Quit swinging your dick around before I put a formal end to it.

fuck notch, yo


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Re: If the PvP Arena suggestion passes...
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2012, 11:52:16 pm »
Lots of people had been posting ideas for the PvP arena that is rumored to maybe soon be implemented. The following is my post that I though was simply too long, so I copied and pasted my post here. (This was a reply, so the first little part was towards said players).

You shouldn't have created a new topic, cause there are already far too many PVP topics, but since this does to have some new suggestions in it I'll let it go.

Morrison, people will still complain, then this happens "OMG WOW can a admin plz get my stuff back I was at arena!!!" "You are responsible for item loss." "But no one told me that!" "Read the signs next time." "OMG this is unfair! This server is stupid!!! Your mean!!!" Snapethesnipe: Banhammer in three, two, one...

(I imagine this is something Viper deals with...lol) Solution? Inventory/XP restore plugin after you die.

Congratulations!  You probably just created a method of item duping.

Enough of that. Anyways, what if we had a bunch of plugins and it would be great! Once a while there should be a message. For example:

"Next PvP Team Battle in ___ minutes! Vote for game modes!" To vote for a game mode, they would type /vote (mode)
Some ideas for game modes would be:
CTF- Get the other teams flag to your base while you protect your own.
Siege- Capture the enemy team's base by killing all enemy players in their base.
Slaughterhouse: Team Deathmatch, first to x kills wins.
Elimination- Team Deathmatch, no respawns. Last team standing wins.
Bloodbath- Team Deathmatch. Slaughterhouse rules, but with 4-8 teams.
Archery duel- Bow and Arrow only, no respawns.
Boat duel- Fight while riding a boat! Bow and sword, battle on an ocean, slaughterhouse rules.
Lava duel- No weapons. Push your opponents off a ledga into lava!
Floor duel- Survive as long as you can! But the wooden floor is on fire and leads to lava...

When no Team Battle is going on, it's a random, free roam Free for All in the arena.

Sounds pretty complex, I'd like to know who's gonna not only write the code for this plugin, but create the maps where the battles are gonna happen.  It'll be years before it even comes close to being ready.

Now lets be clear on a few things. No respawns means you cannot join in progress, and after the match starts, there will be a warning: you have 30 seconds until the join time cuts off. Players may not take items in team battles;there is a standard load out containing an iron sword and a potion of choice, with limited option, and another suggestion is maybe they would pay a small amount to respawn with it for the rest of the battle. These potions could be positive or negative. Also, the load out will contain 5 melons and one bread. All in all, load out is,
Iron sword, potion slot, food slots. Possible food loadouts:
5 melons+bread
3 bread
2 steaks (or cooked chicken)
3 cooked fish+3 melons

Possible potions: (Players must pay fee for upgrades, such as splash, increased duration/potency or additional potion)
Instant Health (Upgrades: Splash)
Strength (Upgrades: Increased Duration, Splash)
Speed (Upgrades: Increased Potency, Splash, Additional potion)
Regeneration (Upgrades: Splash)

Negative potions, splash is forced.
Slowness (Upgrades: Increased duration, Additional potion)
Weakness (Upgrades: Increased Potency)
Poison (Upgrades: Additional Potion)
Instant Harm (Upgrades: Increased Potency)

Also, only one upgrade may be chosen. However, if they pick additional potion, the first potion may have an upgrade. Also, I may copy and paste this into a new suggestions thread.

Exactly how is it going to do this, considering you have an inventory when you enter the arena?  What happens to the stuff you had when you entered?  If everyone has the same inventory in the arena, and swaps back when they leave, what's to be gained?  If there's nothing to gain in the arena (by killing players) that will be the next complaint...

Having PVP arenas is just asking for more complaints and suggestions.  Nobody will be happy with them as they're implemented and hundreds of suggestions will pop up at how to "make them better".  Add to that every two seconds getting a helpop submitted with some player whining about being killed.  No, it'll be a mess I guarantee.

That said, I do like "enter at your own risk" mob arenas.  It's not PVP, but it's still fighting with a risk of dying.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 12:03:52 am by ViperZeroOne »
"I griefed because my dog sat on my mouse and farted!"

Dark Knight eh?.... I'M BATMAN!!!  ;)


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Re: If the PvP Arena suggestion passes...
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2012, 11:55:36 pm »
I dont want PVP in that bad either. Just something like this would be an exception.
And what do you mean about the item duping method? I don't see how not losing your inventory can give you 100 stacks of diamond blocks or something.

As for the maps, it's not gonna be all super special. It will just be on some plains or desert biome or ocean biome. Maybe build two small castles the size of my house or something, and that isn't too big.

And plus, the plugins part? I'm sure Opticraft, with where it is today, has a great developer team right?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 12:04:30 am by Snapethesnipe »
I don't play Minecraft anymore and hardly come back to these forums. If you want to contact me, find me on Steam or Instagram. Username for everything is SalsaInABowl.


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Re: If the PvP Arena suggestion passes...
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2012, 12:06:10 am »
I dont want PVP in that bad either. Just something like this would be an exception.
And what do you mean about the item duping method? I don't see how not losing your inventory can give you 100 stacks of diamond blocks or something.

When you said "inventory XP/restore plugin after you die", I assumed you mean that if a player dies their inventory goes back to the way it was before they died?

That's all well and good, but what happens to everything that dropped when they died?  You now just duplicated a player's entire inventory.  Get a couple of "friends" together with full inventories of iron and gold and they can make billions in a few hours.
"I griefed because my dog sat on my mouse and farted!"

Dark Knight eh?.... I'M BATMAN!!!  ;)


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Re: If the PvP Arena suggestion passes...
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2012, 12:18:03 am »
Ah, I see. The plugin should be able to prevent the players items from falling. Besides, now that I think, this stuff I suggested would make almost an entire other server. Points for great and original ideas?
I don't play Minecraft anymore and hardly come back to these forums. If you want to contact me, find me on Steam or Instagram. Username for everything is SalsaInABowl.


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Re: If the PvP Arena suggestion passes...
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2012, 12:21:52 am »
Yea, I'll give ya points on your ideas.  But implementing them into Opticraft would be a huge undertaking I think.
"I griefed because my dog sat on my mouse and farted!"

Dark Knight eh?.... I'M BATMAN!!!  ;)