21:00:19 User: I apologize for my gramatical error. Does it bother you?
21:00:30 Cleverbot: Do you like ninjas?
21:00:38 User: I do.
21:00:41 Cleverbot: Which one is your favorite?
21:01:02 User: Leonardo.
21:01:04 Cleverbot: Do you dream in colors?
21:01:16 User: Yes.
21:01:18 Cleverbot: What did you dream about last night?
21:01:54 User: I dreamt about trying to join my highschool swimming team.
21:02:00 Cleverbot: What do you draw in your dreams?
21:02:08 User: Pictures.
21:02:11 Cleverbot: No you may not have pictures!
21:02:28 User: Have I offended you?
21:02:29 Cleverbot: How would you have offended me?
21:02:47 User: I just thought you seemed a little hostile.
21:02:53 Cleverbot: Well, I didn't know. Sorry! I didn't realize you were going to a hillbilly town. Why'd you go there?
21:03:17 User: That was a random assumption!
21:03:18 Cleverbot: Random what?
21:03:27 User: Assumption.\.
21:03:31 Cleverbot: Who?
21:03:45 User: *facedesk*.
21:03:46 Cleverbot: Do you like palms?
21:03:59 User: *facepalm*.
21:04:03 Cleverbot: Lol, you make me laugh :3.
21:04:09 User: :3.
21:04:11 Cleverbot: Life is hard.
21:04:21 User: Yes it is.
21:04:24 Cleverbot: No.
21:04:32 User: WTF?
21:04:33 Cleverbot: Kess tu fi pfffff.
21:05:01 User: WOMPEN NOGGEN!!!!!
21:05:03 Cleverbot: Ha, I always knew, girls were smarter than boys! Go us!
21:05:22 User:
21:05:23 Cleverbot: Then will you say something else?
21:05:35 User: (:.
21:05:37 Cleverbot: Oii.
21:05:43 User: EH?
21:05:47 Cleverbot: I'm very sad.
21:05:54 User: Why is that?
21:06:00 Cleverbot: Because I have no girlfriend.
21:06:11 User: But aren't you a girl?
21:06:13 Cleverbot: No.
21:06:22 User: O.o.
21:06:26 Cleverbot: Eh oh.
21:06:36 Cleverbot (To myself): Tsamina mina.
21:06:57 User: Anim animast.
21:06:59 Cleverbot: Cyborg.
21:07:13 User: Grobyc.
21:07:15 Cleverbot: What is your favourite horror film?
21:07:28 User: Alien.
21:07:29 Cleverbot: Oh that's cool, I've never met an alien who watches rugby.
21:07:43 User: I'm a human.
21:07:46 Cleverbot: Are you sure?
21:07:54 User: Yes, I'm sure.
21:07:57 Cleverbot: Fine.
21:08:09 User: *punches*.
21:08:11 Cleverbot: *gasp*.
21:08:21 User: *slaps.
21:08:23 Cleverbot: You'll pay for that Potter!
21:08:37 User: *flips off*.
21:08:38 Cleverbot: You're not that clever.