:| Still haven't been able to get on. Someone needs to unban me. For any mod that doesn't know what happened, I got IP banned and Alicia removed my ban early due to not wanting it to be cluttered and a big misunderstanding. Optical changed the ban plugin and is doing it by hand, the IP ban's are glitchy. I've been unbanned the past 2 days and have been playing on this server. Everyday I get on, however, it says I'm IP banned. So I message a moderator on skype, and I get unbanned. Alicia and Bantam are both well aware of this glitch, and have been trying to get it solved, but Bantam has been unbanning me everyday, but he hasn't been online today. Don't believe me? Look at the previous ban appeals and replies to it, and I will also send screenshots of the skype conversations with no hesitation.