Hello, you can think i'm lying, I know you have "pictures of me mining diamonds" but I admit to DrRoblo helping me X-Ray to them, I have never used a mod in opticraft. You can think I am lying again to! But i'm not. DrRoblo had x-rayed to the diamonds I had mined. I was in need then so he willingly x-rayed me to them. I don't know if it's bad to take diamonds from a friends x-ray, but thats what I did, you probably are gonna think i'm lying, and you can, from "pictures", probably wont be appealed, note I am only ten. And I only wanted diamonds from my friend. Bantam2 was in chat, we were discussing us know x-rayers, but I never had x-ray. I probably won't get appealed, but I got the truth out, If i got appealed, IF and i say IF i get appealed i wont come in contact with an x-rayer again.