Name: made3 (martin
Age: 14
Location: Europe, Germany
Timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hour
Join date: January 10th 2011
Forum Join date: January 10th 2011
Current rank: builder
Reason for application: I have watched, here in Germany, that no operator is on at midday. So i have waited for an operator, to get recruit. But nobody come, cause nobody was on. And that happened not only by me, also by friends from me. So i think, we need more operators from different continents.
Why you should become an operator: I should become builder, because i am very active in opticraft server. And i saw also very much german players, so i can help them in german language. Thats easier to understand for them. Because i dont know every difficult word in english. I havnt saw a German operator before.... Maybe i wasnt on, when a german op was on, too.
Extra information: I met very much german palyers. With some of them (3) i write permanent in icq (chat). There we can send us Links.