Welp since I've been going ON and ON about fish, and harassing the @#$@# out of Girl for fishy knowledge I figured I'd share some pics of my beautiful babies!!!
These are my two female black Mollies - one is fat and ALWAYS looks like she's about to have babies, but I don't know when.... Grr!!
This is "Snake" my Plecos... We're crossing our fingers he doesn't get too big for the tank.
Right by the rocks there is "Rosie" our red tail black shark. She's one of my favorites! I LOVE her.
Our Panda Corydora named "Panda Rove" (from a movie/inside joke lol)
My swordtail that my Mom got me... she named him "GG"
My Candy Cane (Ornate) Tetras - CUTE!
One of my Rosie Danios Cody helped pick out to match my hair! Lol.
One of my Albino Cherry Barbs... Beeeaautiful!!!
My neon tetras!
My overall tank - it doesn't look that green IRL, it's light reflections and such:
LOOOVEEEE My fishy babies!! <3