Hey guys. I'm new to the server so I thought this would be a good place to start. Basically I'm just looking for a server to call home, that I can play on reliably without lag. Opticraft seems to be the place. A little about myself: by all of your standards I'm probably an old man, but I'm just here to kill some time and relax. I'm married, got 2 girls of my own, my own house and a full time job. For those reasons you will see me only sporadically because life keeps me pretty busy. So far I have made one friend on the server, breakingb4d. I hope I have not bugged him too much but he has been awesome so far. I'm hoping to get to know all of you better over the comming weeks, maybe I'll pop into mumble to see what's happening
If I'm online and can be of any assistance to anyone just MSG me and I'll be happy to help. Well I guess there is not much else to say for now, but I'll see you in the game.