Age: 12
Location: Clarksville, TN
Timezone: Central Timezone (US)
Join Date: Around May or June
Were you recommended by anyone?: Many guests/Members, but no staff
Why you should become a moderator: Opticraft would be my number 1 priority, But I am not able to get on around 2:30 because I am riding the bus home. But on Weekends, I would really appreciate to dedicate all my time to the server to help new guests, place lava, fire, water, ban all griefers, kick the spammers, etc. etc. I have tried to help place water when Mods were on, But no one would budge. I really hope I get this job in Opticraft, I will take my duties seriously, I will do anything that Will make the Admins/Operators/Owner/Moderators happy.