As most of you know, I made a public wheat farm about three months ago. I had stopped production, but recently I have revived it, and am happy to say I have now made some premium features!
Speedy Membership- 2000$
This wheat is irrigated, making it grow faster!
Cobblestone Membership- 4000$
I take care of this portion of the farm, unlike the others. Has same benefits of Speedy as well.
Iron Membership- 6500$
This has all benefits of Speedy, but is MASSIVE!
Emerald Membership- 9001$ (
This comes with a chest of bonemeal for you to use on the wheat! Also a little bigger than iron. Same benefits as Speedy and cobble.
Diamond Membership- 12000$
In this farm, you do NOTHING! I take the wheat, put some of it in a chest for each person that buys this, you take the wheat from the chest! Same benefits as- Cobble, Speedy
Obsidian Membership- 16000$
This place will be absolutely ENORMOUS and fully automatic! You may never run low on wheat again!
Opticalza Membership- 18000$
Your own personal portion of the farm! It will be irrigated, a decent size and if you pay 2000$ more, automatic! All just for you!
Epic Member Pack- 25000$
You get access to all parts of the farm (excluding opticalza membership) for a pretty nice discount! Even though this is 25K, you get a 49001 value, almost double of what you actually are paying!
This will be my list of updates here!
10/8/12- Finished the Speedy Portion, should I decrease the area of the free portion for more room for members? Comment on it please!