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That's the most well put suggestion I've ever seen from a newbie here
When I first joined the server several months ago, I was immediately struck by the cheapness of diamonds because of the voting system. I will admit, I don't mind getting free diamonds as opposed to nothing at all, but it takes away that wonderful feeling you get when you find a good vein but you know that you already have a couple stacks of blocks back home. I believe I understand, (I actually tried using my brain for once), why it was set up this way, and the rebuttal is simple, "if we give away cash, the entire server would end up covered in protection stones." And that statement is true considering the current value of diamonds. But say instead of a diamond, we gave people a cash value of $50, or $25, or even $10. This would reward loyalty without having the whole server ending up protected and yet give people the freedom to choose how they spent the reward they earned. They could still buy diamonds if they wished, though maybe not at the same rate as they were recieving them before. And they would have to accept that the price of freedom is high. This would probably be the most difficult part as the sense of entitlement in today's world is exceedingly strong.Now let me make this clear. I am NOT advocating that diamonds be added as an item to sell at the market NOR am I advocating that we decrease their purchase value. This would cause the undesirable result of serverwide protection stones and it would also create a nightmare for opti and the admins as they tried to balance prices out.I must reiterate that I am happy and thankful that we are rewarded for voting, I just don't want to sacrifice the value of diamonds in order to achieve that goal. Thank you for your time.
I for one voted everyday for 2 months and racked up a stack of diamond blocks, so so that is 576 diamonds. If they was at 100 each that's 576k making me a millionaire right away, and seeing how many have more diamonds than I have then this would destroy the whole server economy, but I do like the idea of in game money.
Now let me make this clear. I am NOT advocating that diamonds be added as an item to sell at the market NOR am I advocating that we decrease their purchase value. This would cause the undesirable result of serverwide protection stones and it would also create a nightmare for opti and the admins as they tried to balance prices out.
I agree with this, but I have my own sugestion, that the diamonds you get from voting are only for you. They can not be droped or taken out of chests by other players or crafted in to blocks that can be placed ect. By doing this diamonds obtained legitly as in mineing can be worth more and can be sold / traded. Just an idea to think about.
I totally agree with you.
There should be a little box you can check saying "Receive ingame money instead of diamonds" because I have enough diamonds. I don't see why we can't have another option some time. But I would like diamonds to stay as well, hence my box suggestion. As for actually voting, I'm guessing optical is just too busy with other stuff. Let's just count on the fact there are lots of loyal players who actually do vote because they like Opticraft like me and most of you readers do.
They could still buy diamonds if they wished, though maybe not at the same rate as they were recieving them before. And they would have to accept that the price of freedom is high. This would probably be the most difficult part as the sense of entitlement in today's world is exceedingly strong.
We need an overhaul to voting. Really fixing the issue with being able to get diamonds before voting. Bet thats the biggest issue right there. I mean we are losing ground on those sites, simply because people don't finish
Quote from: ☣2crzy4uall☣ on September 20, 2012, 01:48:15 amWe need an overhaul to voting. Really fixing the issue with being able to get diamonds before voting. Bet thats the biggest issue right there. I mean we are losing ground on those sites, simply because people don't finishUnfortunately there is no easy way to fix this if there is a way to fix it at all, we tried and once the voting sites found out what we were doing we got shut down on those voting sites.
The only bad thing about just getting in-game money is that people wouldn't want to vote as much, unless they were a great staff member and would do anything to help it.
I'm Much more smarter admin than whoever banned me.
just for shits n giggles look at the amount of votes the server has on any given voting site, the one i looked at had ~900 votes and was a 1/day site so ~30-35 people voted once a day this month, given that there's far more than 30-35 people on the voting list it's clear that people are cheating the system quite frequently.Unfortunately as nick has stated there's no way to validate the votes at this time. so regardless of the award people will more than likely just "pretend vote" to get itwhile i do agree that free diamonds for "pretend voting" is quite ridiculous and floods the market, some sort of worthwhile incentive is required to encourage the "real voting" and a small amount of in game $$ just doesn't have the same allure as shiny diamonds and changing the prize will have zero affect on the underlying problem or "pretend voting"
(click to show/hide)Tools, armor, building blocks, etc. Diamonds have more uses than just stagnant economy.Also,Quote from: tiggy26668 on September 21, 2012, 08:42:29 pmjust for shits n giggles look at the amount of votes the server has on any given voting site, the one i looked at had ~900 votes and was a 1/day site so ~30-35 people voted once a day this month, given that there's far more than 30-35 people on the voting list it's clear that people are cheating the system quite frequently.Unfortunately as nick has stated there's no way to validate the votes at this time. so regardless of the award people will more than likely just "pretend vote" to get itwhile i do agree that free diamonds for "pretend voting" is quite ridiculous and floods the market, some sort of worthwhile incentive is required to encourage the "real voting" and a small amount of in game $$ just doesn't have the same allure as shiny diamonds and changing the prize will have zero affect on the underlying problem or "pretend voting"This is exactly why I put up this notice: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,12508.0.htmlVoting under other player's names is pretty unnecessary and generally rude. It does nothing but gives other people the thought that we may be just "another one of those servers." Not only that, but it's pretty rude to disrupt other people's voting schedules.If some random player, who hasn't been on the server for quite a while, suddenly ended up being one of the top voters, that's a problem.