Hello ^_^
Moderator Application - nhataley
Age: 13
Location: Alberta, Canada.
Join Date: Almost 5 Months.
Were you Recommended by anyone: bhoughton, joshskiizz, techdude98
Why you should become a Moderator:Well to start off I love to play opticraft and I am very active. I have been greifed and I see people on the chat yelling "GREIF!! MOD HELP!" and I feel powerless cause I am not able to help them. I Love to place water for people or give people advice. But I want to be able to do more, place Water, Fire, Lava, Fix Greif, and help them any way I can. I do understand that it is not fun and games or just flying around, I understand that the rank Moderator is to help people as much as you can with all the duties you can perform with the rank you have. I promise I will perform all these duties and not abuse them.
Note's: This is my second Moderator Application and I promise that this will not be my last Application if this one gets rejected. Also some people might think that my other Moderator Application I said I have been active on for one and a half months. Well I was assuming there and that about five months is the correct time I have played and sorry I am not so precise about the time I have played, but I actually have no clue when I started playing opticraft.
I would like to thank everyone who has read my Moderator Application. ^_^