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Why is voting our only means of getting new players?
Look at the General Discussion board for SMP. there are 7 posts (ATM) of people leaving in some way, shape or form. Me included. Arsenic is resigning, icooliam is leaving (again) ironjack and duinis are out becuase of school, bubble broke his arm and cant play, and tbpb in leaving. People are SO FRACKING BUSY! we need to get more people on, or we'll fall apart. Vote and put in the code, tell your friends, tell your enimys, tell your friends friends, tell your friends mom, advertise on other servers, ANYTHING! for every person that we lose, we fall apart more and more. i dont want to see this server go. i have put 5 months of indexfinger-breaking work in to this place. Cmon people! we can prevent this!
About posts, how do you even post a post?
But why not? We could just go on other servers with lots of peaple (that we wont go on ever again becouse, OPTICRAFT, and no I'm not adiced why would you say that?) and just put a link to opticraft.net and best server ever in the chat.
for some reason this quote amuses me slightly.Anyways...yes, advertising will get us more people but you have to acknowledge that we are in school season. People have papers to write, lives to focus. I can guarantee you that at least half of those who 'left' will return on a future date. But at the moment, we'll just have to wait.Interesting how this a problem for smp. I thought only classic had a "low amount" of people.
Why do people expect others to 'stay' on here when they have other things to do as well? They shouldn't be force-fed to 'STAY ON OPTICRAFT.'