We just need to vote and invite our friends. I have been slacking on my votes but I vote when I remember to. Voting keeps us popular.
People will always be leaving the server. Some people unnecessarily anounce that theyre leaving and they influence how you think. If various people leave and anounce it, you will think what you are thinking now. "Everyone is leaving." If people just leave out of the blue, I doubt that you will notice and I doubt it will make any difference in your MC experience.
But then again, people are always joining. There are people who mess around a bit with the server and others who are loyal and dedicate themselves to us. It varys. People have lives. As said before, we are in school season. The majority of our players are young. Most of them are students. It happens.
We cant control it. We can remedy it, though. So yea. Chiz happens.