I guess my first language was English. However, I learned Russian right about the same time. Just like all languages as a baby, I picked up casual words and conversations from both the Russian and English language from my family members. I was born in America, specifically in the state of New Jersey. Along with my younger sister and younger cousins, I am a first-generation American from the 2 families that immigrated from Russia (my dad's family from Ukraine, my mom's family from Moldova).
So i guess to summarize, English and Russian were my first languages since they were basically learned at the same time. Not that I speak in Russian as fluently as English (although i can have a long conversation just fine, my only issue being an occasional word)...I still have a lot to learn...
Hebrew. מה קורה חברים שלי :p
I'm currently taking my 4th year of Hebrew in High School (however I do still kinda suck at it.....my teacher this year is better than the teacher from the past 3 years....like that matters in Hebrew FOUR). I believe I can actually read and translate Raul's words, which are a simple "What's up my friends?". Here's a Hebrew response to you Raul (best of my abilities so don't overjudge xD, I used a hebrew writing tool and dictionary for only 2 words).
אני בסדר. אני צריך להיות ישן, אבל אני לא הולך לישון מסיבה מוזרה כלשהי.השעה שתיים בבקר. יש לי מחר בית הספר ואני צריך קצת מנוחה. אני חושב שאני אלך לישון עכשיו.