-Moderator Application for kag1999-
Age: 13
Location: Connecticut, U.S.A.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Timezone (EST)
Join Date: March 19, 2012, 05:53:23 pm
Were you recommended by anyone?: nope, sadly
Why you should become a moderator:
I believe I should become a moderator because I like to help fix any problems people have or anything else they need. I am as active on this server as school allows me, but I am still on quite often. Opticraft as the first server I ever went on, and for 4 months, it was the only server on my server list. I did not TOUCH my single player worlds for a long time (actually not until very recently) because I was having a lot more fun on Opticraft. I believe that I could make a great addition to the staff of Opticraft. Unlike some people who make a moderator application because they would like the feel of 'power', I am applying because I want to help others. As a trusted, I have done what I can to help others in-game and on IRC as of its comeback. If I do become a moderator, I promise that I will do anything it takes to be on Opticraft as much as I can, I promise that i can drop ANYTHING to help another person, I promise that if I am inactive, I will accept the fact of being demoted, I promise not to go ban-hammer happy, and periodically check the ban appeal and support sections of the forum, and I promise that I will do as much as I can to help Opticraft and it's members.
Yes, I do know that I have 3 bans on record. (Please note 1 was a request due to a hacked network) Yes, I do know I have 2 griefing bans on record. Yes, I do know that one ban was from anti-grief. The deal is, the first time i griefed, it was for resources, like a noob would. Yes, I was a noob. And it appeared I did not learn my lesson, considering shortly after, I was banned by antigrief. That time, I learned my lesson. And I still value that lesson. I have not touched a single block of someone's home without permmission after that. And then, when awesomealicia was about to promote me to trusted, she asked me, "Can you tell me why you have 2 griefing bans on record?" My response: "I griefed, got banned, then greiefed again, got banned again, and then finally learned a lesson. I knew I had to stop, something inside of me... just told me to stop." Apparently, that was a good explenation to her, and thats why I am here now.
On many servers, I have seen a very bad staff because they don't require them to make apps like this. If they ask, they get promoted. I like the fact that this server requires these mod apps and have guidlines under which the mods must work. I do believ I would be able to follow thoose guidlines. My friends and parents say I am someone who can do anything if I put my mind to it. No, I do not plan on setting my mind to bad things, only good. If I do become a moderator, I will set my mind to helping or disiplining the others of opticraft, wether I hate, love, or have some other feeling for them.
To sum it up quickly:
-I like to help people
-I am as active as I can be
-Opticraft is and has always been my favorite server
-I am not power-hungry or ban-hammer happy
-I have done what I can so far to help people
-I can drop anything to help another player
-I have learned my lesson for griefing 2 times over
-I can do my best to do anything I need to do
-Feelings for others will not change my actions in negative ways
For members & fellow trusteds who know and like me, please do support
For mods & ops who feel like they would recomend me to be an moderator, please do support, I really do apreciate it.
Thank you for taking the time to read this application, and I will wait to see the outcome!
Thanks to all of Opticraft,