Title: Rytovius’ 2nd Application
Moderator Application - rytovius
Age: 14
Location: Michigan, U.S.
Timezone: Eastern -5
Join Date: April 22, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: No
Why you should become a moderator: First off, I love to help people on the server, and I believe I can really do that If I become a mod. I also think that becoming a mod is a serious thing, and I know I can handle the responsibility. I have been on the server a while and I saw many things. I learned many good lessons on the server, and also had tons of fun. I want to ensure everyone has as much fun as I do, and some will have to learn the lessons I learned. But, I am on every day, and I also have access to the forums from 5am eastern to 12 pm eastern, which is 19 hours of the day. I hope I can have the opportunity to prove myself to you all, I will not disappoint you.
Thank you for reading my Application, Rytovius