Moderator Application for Crippnfeet
I am:19 years old i will be 20 in january
I am a Female
I live in The United States (Utah)
I am in the Mountain Standard timezone or (MST)-(UTC-7)
I started playing Opticraft on: 2012-10-07
Were you recommended by anyone?: Yes but not by a current staff member that i know of
I believe I should have the chance to be a Moderator because I thoroughly believe in that all players should be treated fairly and that everyone should have to follow the same rules. I don't believe in favoritism. I am trusted and i hold the title of trusted in a responsible manner i try my best to help everyone as they need, whether that means they just need water or help building something or pitching in on funds. We should all pitch in to help make the server fun for everyone.I am on between 9 pm to 5 am around 9 hours or so most days... It would a pleasure to be able to help people even more than i already can. I am also friends with everyone i don't pick and choose I think being a moderator is more of having the right attitude and be willing to help anyone and respect for others and patience i take full responsibility for everything i do. I am good under pressure and solving problems and have allot of patience giving in real life i am a supervisor at work so i deal with problem and questions people have.
I hope you consider me and what i have to bring when making your final decisions
~Grace (Crippnfeet)