Hey. Earlier today I got banned because of "Advertising" and I was banned by winniedoxie when I was only joking around. Here's what happened:
People were talking about setting up servers and other people were like "Don't advertise other servers" and stuff like that. So I was just playing around and joking and I said "Join my server: notarealserver.co" I said not a real server.co........
and then right after I said ": P" which showed I was just kidding around. 5 seconds later I was banned. I went to the opticraft website to see why I was banned. It said "Do not advertise" and the expire time said "Never". I think this is completely unfair and the moderator who banned me didn't completely think it through. I was only kidding around. Sorry if I offended the moderators or broke a rule unknowingly. If you unban, I won't do it again.