Here is a backround on this awesome city:
One day, I was walking around south warp and found a mountain with no bottom. It was floating. I got CookieMaster9 and we decided it would be cool to make a town there. Sadly, it is protected by a certain Duinis. We still had the idea of a town, so we went to the spawn and got our speed potions and endr pearls and ran. We found a cove. We started to build, but then I saw a bit of a floating mountain to the side. I ran over. Cookie came too. We were stunned. An entire mountain range, in the air. Ledges from a normal mountain, and just islands floating. This is where we made our town.
Location: /home cookiemaster9 city
Live map: unavailable at the moment D:
contact me or cookie if you want to buy a plot or house.
We now have 2 different double spawners as well for city members. And we have a tree farm and mine.