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I've been having trouble voting lately so I have to get to my houseThe long way. The /home is /home butterflywolves tree!When u enter your in my tree house ill leave the door openGo outside and down the ladder. You are very close to a plains biomeGo there and you should see it! You may not have the permissionTo build so we'll have to get u thatIf you want to help type the word "sign up lounge" in your post
/powertool spawnmob giantclick click click click clickteehee
You probably should be trusted, are u? I don't want to make theMembers feel bad and all but his could be a motive. "Hey I should grief so I don't get banned and can get trustedand go in the lounge!!" also Ivy2112 brought up h point that theywill feel bad and trusted doesn't mean we're better. I had to take thisUnder consideration. If a member reads this they are sure to feel badHats how I felt when I was a member and can't forget that. Iam currently the co-owner of another server and I see howpower can effect people. With that being said I think membersShould have there own lounge, allowing them to establish member friendsAnd creating a group of people to make projects! This'll help them get trusted faster by being ina group, granting them access the trusted lounge