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Author Topic: [GirlLuvzerMac] Rosnicolin Ban Appeal  (Read 2024 times)

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[GirlLuvzerMac] Rosnicolin Ban Appeal
« on: January 06, 2013, 01:17:42 am »
Today I was working on something and Rytovius came to me and started breaking my mossy cobblestone and I told him to stop and then he said call a mod and so when I did a GirlLuvzerMac came and told Rytovius to stop breaking or he will be banned, and I tried to explain to her that I didn't want her to ban him I just wanted the grief to be un done and then she took it as Rytovius and I trolling her and banned us. I feel has she mis understood me, I will serve my ban I just would like to know if I'll loose my trusted rank.


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Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] Rosnicolin Ban Appeal
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2013, 03:20:09 pm »
You've just admitted that Ryto was griefing your blocks, and that you used helpop to call a mod to make him stop. When I answered the ticket, Ryto wouldn't answer me in chat, even after getting kicked and even after being made aware that I would ban him if he didn't stop breaking blocks long enough to discuss the issue.

It doesn't seem like you're at all apologetic about the incident. Quite the opposite, as it seems like you're trying to pretend that I just assumed you were trolling, when in fact you told me point blank, "We're just trolling you" when it became obvious that your friend was going to be banned for the grief to your property.

Honestly, if you'd just told me you didn't want him banned then I would have told you your options (I undo the damage and Ryto is banned, or I don't undo and Ryto stays on the server) and let you choose. If you'd chosen not to undo the grief, then I would have just left it as it was and not banned him. That's why mods often ask if players know the person they find on the block history- in case the person was actually allowed to break the block or build at that person's home.

There was absolutely no reason to lie and say you were just trolling /helpop.

The loss or promotion to trusted rank isn't up to me, but the operators+. I don't think lying is a very trustworthy behavior, but as I said, it isn't my call to make.

I'll leave this open in case you have anything else to add to this.


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Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] Rosnicolin Ban Appeal
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2013, 06:41:41 pm »
I don't recall saying that I was trolling you and if I did I must have done it out of panic, when I used helpop I said I don't want Rytovius banned I would just like the blocks to be replaced, and when you came in saying that you were going to ban him if he didn't stop I freaked out, but like I said I don't recall saying that I was trolling you.


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Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] Rosnicolin Ban Appeal
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2013, 07:36:24 pm »
Still not really an apology there, mate. That just says, "I don't remember doing that, but if I did it's because I panicked". An apology, even if you don't remember the specifics, would look more like "I don't remember doing that, but if I did it's because I panicked, I'm sorry." (Note the "I'm sorry" in there).

For the record: Is that a shared build with Rytovius? I've gone and investigated many parts of it; you've both got chests in the room above where the cobble was taken, and different parts of the build were made by both of you. What Ryto said in his appeal, that you were both clearing the room out to make an additional storeroom, makes sense seeing as I've found where you broke many stone blocks in the room just before he started breaking the mossy cobble, and 3 empty chests were just put on the wall. So, is this a shared build that he had every right to break blocks in, or was this grief that you'd rather deal with than have your friend banned? (I'm not even touching the 3rd option: you two set this up between you to try and get the mossy cobble duplicated).


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Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] Rosnicolin Ban Appeal
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2013, 08:36:43 pm »
I'm sorry, and Rytovius and I do share the building but we do keep somethings separate and I discovered this spawner so I thought I would have ownership of the mossy cobble, and Rytovius and I are very honest players we never try to scam other players and we would never be stuipid enough to try and duplicate our blocks through the staff, again I am very sorry for waisting your time and for my poor communication skills.


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Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] Rosnicolin Ban Appeal
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2013, 09:12:09 pm »
I'm going to approve this appeal, but let this be a warning:

Mods aren't there to cater to every single dispute between friends. You said that Ryto gave you back the blocks in the end, and that this was a misunderstanding. Please understand this: calling something grief is a serious charge and mods take it very seriously. If your friend griefed you, you can expect the first thought in the mod's mind is to undo the actions and ban him. The definition of grief is destruction or modification of another's build without their given permission. If this friend truly did not want them modifying the build, then that translates to grief.

This issue should have been dealt with between the both of you. You only call a mod for serious grief charges. Not undoing every single grief problem your friend causes, unless you expect to have them banned for the damage.

You should have expected this to happen.

If Rytovius can't play fair with you, then you need to find another build, or find a better way to resolve squabbles amongst yourselves. It's incredibly frustrating to try and mediate these issues, and it's not what the staff is there for.


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Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] Rosnicolin Ban Appeal
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2013, 12:22:19 am »
Both rosnicolin and rytovius will keep their ranks as is, but if we hear or see anything like this happening again, expect a demotion in the near future.