Age: 11 almost 12
Location: Victoria, Australia
Timezone: EST
Join Date: March 27, 2012, 09:38:22 am
Were you recommended by anyone? TheWholeLoaf <3
Why you should become a moderator:
Lets start by saying, yes i've done some things that i shouldn't have done. But i moved on from them and i feel like
i can take opticraft one step further and become part of the staff. I love to joke around and help people around! im usally on when no staff are on and people need help. if i was to get Moderator it will be a huge thing and opticraft will be even more Happier
People say to me you are a great guy and you are helpful with loads of people! ive been playing opticraft for almost a year and through that time i have seen how it works and how to behave! I have been staff on some other servers so i know lots of commands which will make it easier for me if i got mod! And thats why i should be mod!
-Benjaminc117 :-)
(All supports Welcome)