Moderator Application - <RFCAwesome8>
Age: 13
Location: USA,Michigan
Timezone: Eastern
Join Date: July 12, 2012 (I played as a guest for awhile before registering)
Were you recommended by anyone?: No
Why you should become a moderator:
Well to get started off.....I have played on Opticraft for a pretty long time. As the days go on and I play on it even more I become a bigger fan of it than I was the day before. I have recomended this server to a number of people and they all seem to like it also. I enjoy seeing the server grow and seeing trusteds get mod and seeing them join the staff team. So what Im trying to say is I want to help this server grow and try to be there for anyone that needs help with assistance either it be needing water placed, nether portals lighted, or placing lava. Also any other thing a guest or member or even trusted needs help with. I also want to help take some of the stress off the staff by helping cut down on hackers and spammers,griefers,and even racism in chat and any other things they might need help with. Thank you for reading this application and I fully understand if it doesnt get accepted. Good luck to all applications! --RFCAwesome8--