Age: 15
Location: SC, USA
Timezone: GMT -5
Join Date: March 1st, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Yes, Morrison1998, Saeberus, techdude98
Why you should become a moderator: I should become a moderator because I want to help the community and assist staff. I want to do more than just placing water. Requests for water are rare now and staff always beats me to it. I understand the rules and guidelines of Opticraft and obey them. I am able to play Minecraft on some weekdays and the weekends for at least 2-3 hours. I am very active on the forums, and I check the ban appeals very often. I was barely online for the month of December(reasons already stated), but that is not a problem and I am happy to be back with the community once again. I haven't had experience on any other servers because they failed to keep their servers online. I am willing to sit down and learn the commands and duties of being a moderator. I want to show what I am capable of and hope to set a positive example for the server. I will do my best to attend with tickets. I promise to deal with players who grief, spam the chat, harass other players, and excessively curse by kicking/banning them. I also promise to help players with water, lava, fire, and assist players with their questions and time of need. Thank you for taking your time to read this.