Hi I'm Crippnfoot... Aka Jordan
I am 19 years old
I live in the Utah of the USA
My time zone is Mountain Time Zone or Utah Central MT/UC
I joined Opticraft on this date: July 25, 2012 and, at this time: 05:03:17 am
My recommendations: none
I love playing on Opticraft and sometimes when i play there is no staff on. I know I would make a great addition to the Opticraft staff. Because I am on a lot, I like helping people, I can tell when someone is there just to grief, There is always work to be done and I am just the guy to do it. I am all ways a happy and patient person. But when it needs be i can make the tough decisions to those who deserve it. There is always something new to learn and i would love to learn how to be a great moderator. I know I would be a good choice and i hope you think so to.
Crippnfoot - Jordan