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Author Topic: ideas for trusted perks  (Read 2117 times)

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beta centari

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ideas for trusted perks
« on: March 01, 2013, 11:58:03 pm »
ok i know many of us opticraftians who have been loyal to the server were bestowed upon with orange powers and the only things that come with the promotion are placing water and color coding signs. Don't get me wrong being trusted is awesome and i'm not complaing(contridictory statement) but those things is just a too little reward for your hardwork. So i have ideas for a few more perks for trusted; /warp tlounge a lounge where trusteds get together and get better deals on rare items, next /tshop a virtual shop where items can be put on sale in server cyberspace and can be bought trusteds can put stuff on sale without using the trade channel by this i mean that everyon else can buy stuff from it its just that trusteds can only put stuff on sale, and finally /powerfist [enchantment name] basically when you punch someone or something its just like an enchanted sword except it doesn't do as much damage(a useful /powerfist enchant would be knockback because if you're fighting a creeper and have no weaponry you can get some distance from it).

yes that guy

PS when i said contridictory statement i was talking about the not complaining part not the being trusted is awesome part; that part is true


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Re: ideas for trusted perks
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2013, 12:10:31 am »
I don't think you understand what Trusted is. Trusted is not a reward, it is a privilege.
Many people have complained about there not being enough rewards, but they don't seem to understand.
Color on signs serves well as appeasement for these players who complain, even though that wasn't the original principle, it was to serve as another incentive for Trusted.

Here are other discussions on trusted additions that you didn't bother to note:


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« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 12:12:17 am by joshskiizz »