Making a subway..... need 3-6 diggers.... who wants a job?
Gotta be trusted+
It's down at bedrock, the floor is at y:6
The tunnel you need to dig is an 11x9 rectangle give or take 2000 blocks long. It basically goes from the member world border to the spawn.
You get $100 for each 11x9 section you dig out for you're tunnel.
So you can make $100*2000 sections = $200,000 if you complete the entire tunnel.
But if you can't finish the whole thing that's fine you make $100 * however many sections you clear.
Don't want this to take forever so if you decide to stop lemme know so i can get someone else on it.
to get to your tunnel use /home tiggy26668 tunnel#, where # = your tunnel number (see current workers below)
I can provide u with as many iron pick axes as it takes, but if u wanna do it faster you gotta use your own.
You can keep any ore you find, same with cobble. I will stick a drop chest there and if you don't want the cobble i'll take it for my castle.
I'll stick a home at each of the tunnels for easy access.
if you feel like digging out a tunnel post below.
I already have half the first tunnel done and this is what it looks like =P
Current Workers.
Tunnel 1:
Tunnel 2:
Tunnel 3: