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Author Topic: USERNAME: Mattkkk12345 Banned By: Drunz  (Read 3036 times)

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USERNAME: Mattkkk12345 Banned By: Drunz
« on: March 14, 2013, 09:49:21 pm »
I was banned by Drunz and i have no idea why. It stated i griefed 150 blocks and i have no idea what dunderhied is on about. The only contact i had had tonight was with a person called dunderhied and all i  asked is to see his amazing ender xp farm. I wouldent grief it and couldent as there was protection on all the blocks by a coal ore. I really dont understand the reason for being banned and i would love to be back on opticraft. I have a house with tonnes of stuff waiting for me to build/expand etc. Opticraft was my favourite server and i really want to come back on. I see no reason why i should have been banned? If it wasnt dunderhied who reported me to be banned (for no reason) then i dont have a clue who reported me as i have only been on tonight and saw dunderheid. Please read this ban carefully as i clearly believe there is a mistake here. If someone has been griefed it has not been me and i must have been mistaken for someone else who griefed. Opticraft is a great server that i love to come on. Also for people who read this (mods) look at my home and u can see i have been on this server for a very long time. I am really confused about my ban. Thnk you in advance.  Matthew
It would be much appreciated if someone could share a screenshot so i can see what i SUPPOSEDLY griefed as id like to think what you think i griefed
I understand i am banned for 10 days but i want to come on before then as i dont believe i should have been banned in the first place. 10 days of waiting for something i didnt do.

Please read carefully as in all honesty im not entirely sure which player reported me to be banned.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 10:01:43 pm by Mattkkk12345 »


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Re: USERNAME: Mattkkk12345 Banned By: Drunz
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2013, 10:11:20 pm »
You griefed Icooliam's house/city. This was back in February and was only a 20 block radius. I wouldn't doubt that you don't remember it. His glass was almost all destroyed.

20 block radius, 150 blocks destroyed, 1 month ago. You've probably done much more than that since then.


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Re: USERNAME: Mattkkk12345 Banned By: Drunz
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 10:19:30 pm »
Sorry i am very confused. Where was this. I live in TOWONA icooliams city but no grief. I have seen grief happen in towonas city before but where was this where u say i griefed. and also 150 blocks grief.  That was not me. 150 blocks is a huge amount. Why you think im a full on griefer. I love opticraft and love living in icooliams town.
A 20 block radius i would love to know where you think i griefed.
Honestly please post a screenshot of this supposed GRIEF
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 10:32:24 pm by Mattkkk12345 »


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Re: USERNAME: Mattkkk12345 Banned By: Drunz
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2013, 10:35:29 pm »
icooliam had also stated that you have repeatedly griefed him. I believe him because of the grief I found today, if you honestly need a screenshot I'll get one when I can.


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Re: USERNAME: Mattkkk12345 Banned By: Drunz
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2013, 10:50:23 pm »
I cant believe this. Today all i did is came on. Went to dundrahied and looked at his enderman catcher and thats it. If you want me to wait out my ban then fine but i really cant believe this claims. i actually personally know icooliam in real life and he has done things like this on other things before. Its up to you but i think he is framing me for getting back on me as i got banned from his server for a month so i kept asking to unban me. Look. i really didnt grief it i find he is so annoying sometimes. Its up to you but i wish i could have recorded my normal day on opticraft and play it back to you. Its up to you and yes you will probably just ignore what i say but i have so many resources on opticraft and want to continue play9ng.

Also even though i didnt grief i just saw another ban appeal pardoned for griefing 3000+ blocks.  know this is irrelevant but still.
ahhhh this is interesting i looked up icooliams ban history and he has 4 offences and i think i am right in saying according to other appeals 4 means permianent???
I know what your going to say next. That I don't know icooliam in real life but I really dO we went tO primary school.
I really can't believe he showed you a grief today and according to you it's big. I didnt do it. I only go on three main servers and my favourite is opticraft. It's the only one I've been on with no lag. Please read carefully and I would loooove to see those screenshots of the grief tHat I didn't do. Please read carefully thx
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 11:13:07 pm by Mattkkk12345 »


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Re: USERNAME: Mattkkk12345 Banned By: Drunz
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2013, 11:27:33 pm »
The grief I found DID NOT come from today, you seem to be missing that claim. How about you read my statements more clear.

I'll give you the screenshots in a second.


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Re: USERNAME: Mattkkk12345 Banned By: Drunz
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 11:34:08 pm »
Oh very sorry. And yes thx for the screenshots your going to send. I really can't agree with this 150 block grief off u show me I can tell u what whatever it is that's bothering u that it's me griefing is.
Sorry for long chunks of txt but I am putting my effort into this appeal as I did not grief 150 blocks.

Plz could I have the screenshots ASAP as I wanna see what u think I griefed.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 11:43:05 pm by Mattkkk12345 »


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Re: USERNAME: Mattkkk12345 Banned By: Drunz
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2013, 11:42:51 pm »
Here's your screenshot of a few different glass panes griefed by you.

This is the grief I saw along with most of the other windows, I'm not going to give you a screenshot of EVERY 150 block.


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Re: USERNAME: Mattkkk12345 Banned By: Drunzp
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2013, 11:51:13 pm »
What is that is that a log. When did this happen. Where was it in towona ( Icooliams town) I honestly don't remember this the only time I did break a glass which I did replace when my sky wifi packed up and the server glitched and deleted a few glass blocks but not 150. Our Internet has done that before and as it went working for a few days I forgot to replace it (Soz my mistake) Perhaps this is it but no it weren't 150 blocks. It then again I can't be sure as minecraft/wifi box glitches out. If this was it on the game pay icooliam all my money or I will giv him glass. Now I remember maybe this is what it was. So sorry in the confusion. I will pay him back whatever you want me to I just want to play. So sorry at the time I thought the wifI just broke like 10 blocks but bear in mInd our wifi did get pretty messed up that day. Please read this and I will pay icooliam anything for compensation. I am so Soz I didn't realise it was this occasion.
Plz reply
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 11:55:24 pm by Mattkkk12345 »


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Re: USERNAME: Mattkkk12345 Banned By: Drunz
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2013, 11:59:28 pm »
As much as I want to believe your story, I'm not going to. The grief was in a tower thing, I don't know how to explain it..

If your box did mess up it wouldn't have deleted blocks ALL over the tower just in that one area, plus the dates on the grief are different, different days.

You'll have to sit out your ban. Paying icooliam back will do nothing, a griefer is a griefer.


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Re: USERNAME: Mattkkk12345 Banned By: Drunz
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2013, 12:14:02 am »
Plz don't lock the appeal. Seriously, in a castle 150 blocks I surely would remember that is it one like a day cause if it is let me know because recently I have been banned from a few server with no reason and I have noticed odd things with my account. I'm not a person who would just lie I would remember If I would have grieved someone of 150 blocks. Look u do what u think is right but plz just slightly shortn the ban . Even though I still don't understand fully the grief I just can't bare going On my pc with nothing to do on opti for 10 days. Plz reply. I'm not trying to be smart your the op it's your descision. Plz reply though Soz ASAP as I need to g2 g but also plz don't lock this forum till I know what's happening. Thx in advance and again Soz for long txt

Whatever I did I have learned my lesson but plzplzplzplzplzpl can uale the ban till this Saturday as this Saturday I am going to build lots of things including a massive farm. I know it's up to u but plz I just wanna build. I really LOVE OPTICRAFT SO MUCH

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« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 05:37:01 pm by Felix_De_Kat »