My previous Moderator Applications.
Moderator Application 1Moderator Application 2Age: 12
Location: Indiana, USA
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Join Date: My join date on the forums was on June 19, 2012,
Were you recommended by anyone?: No
Why you should become a moderator: One of the reasons why I want to hold the Moderator position is because I like the server so much that I come on here each time I finish with my always-present school work. Therefore, I am very active. I am willing to put in the time as a Moderator to help those that are in need.
When a person is seeking water placement or an item donation on Global Chat, I enjoy racing to their aid. In fact, at times when there are no staff currently on the server, I've received several messages in-game requesting water placement or an item they need that I am able to help them with. I am pleased to help them, and I normally reply to their message with “where do you need it placed?” Once I have directions and offer to help, everyone leaves happy- and I love it when everyone is happy!
I have received one server ban that has lasted for 12 hours. I learned from this mistake and have never made that same error I decided to learn from my issue and not repeat anything like it. Since I have had no problems, and in fact am a very strong advocate for the server's rules, as they are important- without them, we all fall into chaos!
To briefly summarize, I am a loyal and kind player that likes to help people whenever I can. I am active and I learn from my mistakes. I will see you all later in the beautiful world of blocks which is known as Minecraft.
Thank you for your consideration.
Edit: Made it less confuzing.