To re-clarify what happened in this situation, there was an arguement going on. Now most arguements are healthy. In general though, it is a mod's duty to make sure to break up all the big arguements. Seeing as someone was already attempting to end the arguement, another person boldly declared that they have the power to continue the arguement until they saw fit.
No one, including staff, is allowed the power to continue dragging on an arguement until they feel like finishing it. If people are beginning to want to end it, the person shouldn't keep dragging them into it. They should respectfully stop it. Now I said this thing you quoted because I felt that it was wrong of the person to pompously proclaim a statement such as this. Sure you have that power in the real world but here in opticraft, we must be mindful and respectful of others.
Now the conversation itself wasn't exactly the problem. But I didn't feel it was a conversation meant for global. Yes i participated in it for a little bit myself but then I realized it wasn't appropriate for global. Conversations like this can be had in mumble, private messaging, local chat. But i just didn't think it should be a chat in global.
In the end, I was trying to stop an arguement. I intended to stop the 2 main instigators of the conversation and that's exactly what i did.