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This topic is just to inform/aware you all about what I have been building. Well as some of you may know, I have been working on a medieval village. Consisting of a couple houses, parts of a castle and a jail. This is located in the member world, near the member spawn, or just my /home . Some of the buildings I and some help from some lovely people have built are:- A clock tower- A barn/ my storage facility- A few houses- A cave- A jail (which is inside a mountain)- A windmil- Some towers for the castle.- A town hall- Market Area- Timber Mill- Giant tree- Mage tower- The blacksmithsWhat I will be building next is:- An apothecary- The mine - got the main outline done- A large battle ship (That's gonna take a while)- A couple more large/medium trade boats.- A harbour - Half way done - A large/tall tower on top of a hill, look out tower- A large farming area.- Finish off secret part (last)- Build some more houses- Build WAY MORE houses.I will be building more as time comes along. I would just like to give a large thanks to Johekl for helping me build a few houses, porkchops for giving my the designs to the castle and benjaminc117 for the help and advice!If you would like a house they will cost around 2k-6k. Depending on how large you want the house.(Prices will change).The plot applications are below, in the spoiler. (click to show/hide) In game name (IGN):Forums name:Your bans (if none leave blank): There is also a government here. You have to pay taxes unless you have a job, which in that case you don't have to pay any taxes. If you don't want to have. Job and want to pay taxes, the cost will be $50 per player per week. You can view the live map link here: http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/741/64/-63/-2/2/0The current citizens are: (click to show/hide)- Hammysandwhich- Benjaminc117- zxSM1FFYzx- FNVcourierjonAlso a big shout out to these people (in no particular order): (click to show/hide)• Johekl• benjaminc117• crippnfeet• nick (forgot your numbers, not admin nick too)• crippnfoot• zeradeth_• lil_devil4994• NlKOLAI (I dunno why, but you keep me company) • B1j0ker•__pORKCHOPSPlease tell me if I missed someone..Also some places that may be of interest:/home hammysandwhich - You can view the town hall, clock tower, two houses and the market/home hammysandwhich harbour - to view my mage tower, wharf/harbour and turn around for the giant tree!/home hammysandwhich town - where I will be building more of the residents district, what I have so far is a black smiths, a house in construction (supposed to be like that) and a mine, which is still in the process of constructionProgress will resume on the castle, MUCHlater on./home hammysandwhich farm - Well, this is where I am building my farm, which is about 90% finished.Also, feel free to walk around and adventure my /homesIf you are interested in joining the village, please read everything. I will, be adding some more stuff later on, and updating it as I go along. Thanks for your time to read this, if you have any suggestions or questions. Either post them down below, or pm me over the forums.Thanks,Hammy.
that ship in the harbor is a beauty.
if you die in canada do you die in real life?
Well due to some idiotic builder, *cough* hammy *cough*, the dimensioning of the new randomly building has gone off centred...
My plot apply IGN: cattfish0612Forms Name:cattfish0612