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Author Topic: [a1374thspartan] Bueller17 ban appeal  (Read 2299 times)

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[a1374thspartan] Bueller17 ban appeal
« on: May 28, 2013, 11:42:05 pm »
I realize that I griefed and that it is wrong.  The over 2000 blocks were all pistons.  The items that i gained have been destroyed.  I also am pushing all money that i gained to be removed from my account.  I also assisted in getting the griefing undone at fynnk's home.  There is no way i am ever going to do anything like this ever again.  To me my two ban are 1 event and I am trying to rectify the situation, I dont know what else I could do.  I realize that being banned for a period of time might still happen... but I think perma ban is harsh for the fact that i am trying to "fix"
the situation.

Note: the items you destroyed were the items left from both prinky00's and fynnks. I say "left" because I sold a lot of pistons... this is why I am pushing for the money that I gained to be removed from my balance. 

Ban history...

As you can see I just came off a ban and the first thing i did is have you (a1374thspartan) destroy the items.  I have screen shots of this if needed I can post them.

Also... I am going to put in the mumble chat log I had will Nick3306 during my first ban.

[8:09:36 PM] Welcome to Mumble.
[8:09:42 PM] Connecting to server mumble.opticraft.net.
[8:09:42 PM] Connected.
[8:09:42 PM] Welcome message:
Welcome to the opticraft Mumble server.
Our SMP server can be accessed at smp.opticraft.net
[8:10:41 PM] (Channel) spike: Jared Klopper
[8:13:13 PM] PandaDork disconnected.
[8:13:36 PM] Pandadork connected.
[8:15:01 PM] Pandadork disconnected.
[8:15:10 PM] Pandadork connected.
[8:15:21 PM] Pandadork disconnected.
[8:15:32 PM] Pandadork connected.
[8:15:36 PM] Warbringer connected.
[8:16:36 PM] Pandadork disconnected.
[8:16:42 PM] To Nick3306: is it possible to get your thoughts on this?
it is a ban appeal... i understand if you are busy...

[8:16:50 PM] Pandadork connected.
[8:17:42 PM] Nick3306: you griefed, simple as that
[8:17:56 PM] Nick3306: you cant take blocks that are not yours under and circumstances
[8:18:05 PM] Pandadork disconnected.
[8:18:44 PM] Pandadork connected.
[8:19:26 PM] To Nick3306: duration the player is offline does not account for anything? like say somebody is offline for a year...
[8:19:35 PM] Nick3306: no
[8:19:45 PM] Nick3306: staff will remove houses after a long time but no one gets the blocks
[8:20:00 PM] Nick3306: players that have left does not give you the right to break everything they have made
[8:20:08 PM] Nick3306: when we say no griefing we mean no griefing
[8:20:25 PM] Pandadork disconnected.
[8:20:46 PM] To Nick3306: ok.... ic... that is where the confusion came from... to me there was a difference / gray area between what i did and griefeing... but... anyway...
[8:22:41 PM] To Nick3306: I would like to tell the staff that I followed the same logic and went to /home fynnk ... removed over a doubble chest full of pistons and sold the majority of them.... I dont really feel like getting banned twice for the same flaw in logic... so i was wondering if the chests that i put that stuff could be destroyed... and have the money i made from it be removed
[8:22:47 PM] Pandadork connected.
[8:23:03 PM] To Nick3306: Uk what i am saying?

[8:23:05 PM] Nick3306: alright
[8:24:08 PM] To Nick3306: I would have prefered to do this in the frist place than get banned... like for both prinky00's an fynnk's
[8:24:37 PM] To Nick3306: just because of how long it took to get trusted... and how use to it i have become...
[8:24:56 PM] Pandadork disconnected.
[8:25:10 PM] To Nick3306: as well as the fact that i wasted hours and hours of time... which i feel is a punishment in its slef
[8:25:32 PM] To Nick3306: would you like me to tell you where the 2 chests are?

[8:25:45 PM] Nick3306: ill find them
[8:26:14 PM] To Nick3306: they are at /home char199 2 you will see that they are not part of the regular storage structure...
[8:26:48 PM] To Nick3306: have a DC of pistons in one... and a lot of redstone stuff in the other
[8:27:02 PM] To Nick3306:
•   half a
[8:27:28 PM] Alpha_Lance entered channel.
[8:28:29 PM] To Nick3306: the two chests is what is left from both homes... i sold half a stack to a mod... i am willing to take the money loss at that... idk how else to deal with that...
[8:29:34 PM] bubblegumu connected.
[8:30:14 PM] To Nick3306: honestly... it is not like i needed the money... i guess it was just something for me to do when i had time... i did not realize that is fell under the girefing area due to the lack of understanding that was discussed above
[8:30:17 PM] sKuLL disconnected.
[8:30:22 PM] sKuLL connected.
[8:30:55 PM] To Nick3306: did you find them?
is this helping me at all with the my status on the server?
[8:31:20 PM] Nick3306: ill get them later, im a little busy
[8:31:27 PM] To Nick3306: sry
[8:31:50 PM] (Channel) Zeradeth: Toi mon amour, mon ami
Quand je rêve c'est de toi
Mon amour, mon ami
Quand je chante c'est pour toi
Mon amour, mon ami
Je ne peux vivre sans toi
Mon amour, mon ami
Et je ne sais pas pourquoi
[8:34:44 PM] (Channel) Zeradeth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0yOW3VNVNQ&list=PL91227DAF503A9759&index=51
[8:35:26 PM] __pORKCHOPS is now muted and deafened.
[8:35:58 PM] __pORKCHOPS is now unmuted.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 11:57:04 pm by Bueller17 »


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Re: [a1374thspartan] Bueller17 ban appeal
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2013, 01:02:17 am »
You make a valid point, I was unsure about perma banning you because I had also discussed it with you earlier and you made your thoughts clear. I understand now what you did to apologize for what you had previously done. I will be willing to shorten your ban, I can not completely pardon you see, because it was 2000 blocks but I will be willing to shorten it to say, 1 month. You have made your apology clear and made up for your past mistakes. In the future lets not take a couple thousand pistons eh? I will shorten it next time I am in game.


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Re: [a1374thspartan] Bueller17 ban appeal
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2013, 02:18:09 am »
A month... ok... I am glad that you reconsidered the perma-ban... and I know it was a lot of blocks.  There is no way I am going to do something like this again.  I know that prink00 and fynnk are two different people... that resulted in two different bans, which i was hoping to advoid.
The last think I am going to throw out there is that I first went to prinky00's house and did that... then a moth later started on fynnk's place... then two months later was banned for prinky00's for 20 days.. and now, banned a month for fynnk...
all that I am saying is that would mean 50 days total, for being banned... along with the 15 - 20 hours I wasted in game collecting the items... that will have not benefited me in any way. 
Now... with that said... if you decide 30 days... I will respect that decision and thank you for not making it perma ban... I just wanted to throw this thought out there.

I understand the server is serious about griefing and the position I put myself in due to the quantity of pistons I took.
I also am not really expecting an answer to this... what you decide is what you decide.... I know that I talked to Nick3306 within the first few days of my last ban... but I dont know if that really makes a difference here. I called you to actually destroy the items because I know nick is busy... and I just wanted the items gone.

Edit: Part of me feels like ....... I realize that what I did is considered griefing so I am working to fix the situation... reverse everything I did... destroy all the items... take away the money i gained from it... and so I am like... this dudes place should be rolled back... and it is like... hey bueller griefed... banned... and I will deal with it if that is what is decided...  to me it is just delaying this situation from being fixed.  I dont mean this to be an insult... or an attack... it is simply the way i feel. also note that this edit was crated at 3:30 am my time... I was having a hard time sleeping... so... i hope it does not sound like a disrespectful tone.

Thank you again for ... basically what you said in your last post about the perma ban... and for your time.  I realize this is not a typical set of events for banning somebody and I thank you for understanding this. 

« Last Edit: May 29, 2013, 08:39:35 am by Bueller17 »