Location: Maryland, U.S
Timezone: Eastern Time Zone
Join Date: Around Oct. 2012 I believe
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Why should You Become a Moderator: I love Opticraft, and I rarely play other servers because they don't compare. I would love to help out the rest of the staff and rollback grief and help the community. I have a large understanding of the rules and the commands of the server, and I am very active with voting and playing on the sever at least an hour each day. I have a good relationship with most of the Trusted rank and I get along well with many moderators. I am very well known for only being on this server for only 9 months, and I really look forward to the possible chance of becoming a moderator. I try my best to help members and guests when staff aren't on and I would like to get the oportunity to help people all the time.
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