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Author Topic: Come on down to Zazzacropolis  (Read 1671 times)

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Come on down to Zazzacropolis
« on: July 04, 2013, 04:32:10 am »
 ;D Looking for a place to live for free? In a community? Picky about the biome or climate you want to build in? Well, Zazzacropolis is the place for you to live! Go to /home ZazzMaster to get there. Please do not build before you talk to me. If I'm not online at the time, send me mail asking if you can live in Zazzacropolis. When we talk, I will ask you what biome you like to live in. Then I will escort you to a plot. Plots are small for alot of people, but that's not a problem at all. You can claim as many plots as you would like, but only the first 3 are free. All plots after your third is $50. Remember that houses can't be %100 cobblestone, and if they are, the Zazzacropolis goverment has the right to remove them. If your house is made out of alot of cobble, then add some trim to it. Upper and Lower Zazzacropolis have a wall surrounding them, and we guarrentee %90 better safety in those parts. So what are you waiting for? Come to ZazzTown now!!!

*Note~ we have every biome EXCEPT forest, but we are working on forest, and it will be here soon! ;D
The ZazzMaster