City name: 2468avc's Base
City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): 2468avc, 360OLLIE, many other contributed the designs of various redstone components
Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): 2468avc
Approximate dimensions: It's a weird shape- i built it around that huge pumpkin farm
Number of active residents: 1
Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:
1 huge, 6 small + the space under the domes I've been using as a redstone test area.
What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:
I've been working on this since I came to opticraft 8 months ago. This would be enough for the average minecrafter, (someone valued it at 400k the other day!) but it is not enough for me. My plans? Expand, expand, expand build, build, build.
Why should we grant this city protection?
I'm griefed a lot. The chestshop has been stolen from, people have griefed out of my house, some people have ran around the walls destroying the glowstone and some have taken from chests that were supposed to be off limits. Also, the land isn't that valuable. It's desert. It's in the old guest. No one wants it except for me. Also, I'm perpetually low on money and being able to remove those protection stones would increase my balance a bit.