Name - Rizon (Shouldn't matter what you call it)
Address -
Port - 6667
Password - N/A
Nickname - *Insert your IGN/Online Handle*
Alternative - *Insert your IGN/Online Handle (in case your primary nickname is taken)
Indent -
(I left blank)
Charset - UTF-8
Secured Connection - Unchecked
Use SSL certificate - Unchecked
SSL certificate filename - N/A
Auto-Connect - Checked (If you open AndroIRC, you will be automatically connected to Rizon)
Auto-Join Channels - Checked
HL List - *Insert other nicknames you may go by* (for me I put "Moses" and "Holy")
The rest of the Server info
isn't required, but is recommended to secure your account if you haven't already.
Pretty Important for logging into IRC quickly!!Custom IRC commands - *here you can insert known IRC commands*
(They will be automatically sent out when connection is made)
There are 2 major commands that really help you log in quickly
/msg NickServ identify *Password*2.
/join #opticraft-smp and/or
/join #opticraft