Age: 14
location: London, uk
timezone: GMT
Join date:24/12/12
recommendations: none so far
I think i should become a moderator as i am always willing to help the community and players. if a new players dose not understand something i often explain it to them. I have a good temper and do not swear excessively. I would be always willing to ban people breaking the rules. I do not annoy the existing staff all the time. i am on the server nearly every day and when do things i will be dedicated to them.
Also i have recently noticed when i am playing there is hardly a member of staff on for about halt to an hour at a time this would mean i would be able to look out for any players breaking the rule. I am always willing to help out the new player to the server and help explain the rules if they don't understand them.
I would not misuse the powers of being a mod. also if the pvp is advertised i am expecting it to bring in dodgy players /hackers and greifers. I really love the players and members of the opticraft community i hope you consider my app