well, I naturally would disagree with this removal, for i am the owner of 2 gold farms. however, i see that it is fit that it be removed, and i see/have seen that some fights will arise from this, and some people will throw a temper tantrum. I didn't get rich from these gold farms, contrary to popular belief. I became rich because i built stuff for people. I Build these farms for i wanted to make a mark on the server, and i thought the only way to do that constructively is by doing projects. When i was planning these projects, i knew they would be wicked expensive, so i made those farms to help me with that, and that has been their sole purpose all along. Sure, I can still make money off of them, but it'll be more difficult. People may ask "but you have like 1.25 million credits, why do you need more money to fund your projects?" Well, to put it simply, I actually am not a fan of spending money, even though I give money to people to fund their projects, i do that because a.) they didn't beg for it or b.) they seem to be doing a project that is worthwhile or c.) it is so they can buy the item at the market, and it just feels a little different, for i am virtually giving them items, not money. When I joined the server, I was consistently poor, and when i had 25k for the first time (2 months after joined), it felt nice, and i didnt want to let it go, so i made a rule that i would not let my bal slip below 50% of what it was, and i couldnt buy anything until i earned it back, and i havent broken that rule since.