City name: 2468avc's Base
City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): 2468avc, 360OLLIE, radicalboy59, gogar72, various youtubers (redstone designs)
Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): 2468avc
Approximate dimensions: It wraps around the huge melon farm in a weird way, maybe 300x300 though not all of that square is filled in.
Number of active residents: 1
Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: It's pretty much much a building connecting to a huge dome. So 1.
What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: I've worked on this since I first came to OptiCraft over a year ago. It's always been my /home. I'm currently renovating. I'm getting rid of any cobble that is in the public (or soon to be public) areas. I'm replacing it with a sandstone and spruce based design.
Why should we grant this city protection?
I've applied once before for this project,,18184.0.html, and all of those arguments still apply. The value of the land around it that I also need/want protected is worth even less than it was in July. The chestshop I've made grief-proof but people have stacked up onto the dome and griefed in, there have been holes in the sides of the glass walls, etc...
Thanks for reading and I hope I get the protection!