Age: 15
Location: England, United Kingdom
Timezone: UTC+ 00:00
Join Date: Server: January 2012 Forums: March 2012
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Why you should become a moderator:
I have been part of the Opticraft community for some time now & have tried to become a moderator on several occasions, I believe I can put in the time, effort and I have the knowledge to start to help the server like I have always wanted to.
I understand what a moderator should be and how a moderator should act towards Members & Trusted users.
I love to get involved with the community and I would not stand back and let others do the work I would jump in and help anyone that needs it and answer the questions of new users and old users, if I am asked to do by senior staff or someone of the same rank, I can show authority as well as friendship and I know not to abuse or to help others to abuse and I am 100% against cheaters and hackers and are committed to stop them, I hope you consider me for moderator and I promise if you choose me to put in time and dedication into the role!
Thank you for reading,