Yeah, the usual. All my previous applications (Wow, 7 already?) with their respective links.
My previous applications:
First applicationSecond applicationThird applicationFourth application, accepted.Fifth applicationSixth application.My previous application, the seventh (Wow, quite a lot isn't it?)Age: 15
Location: California, USA
Timezone: -8 GMT
Join Date: As a guest it goes back to almost January 2012, never active until like March
FNVcourierjon, if you are a moderator or above, edit your name here if you would like me to return to moderation.
8 applications is a lot. Been here a long time, no bans etc. Whether I get promoted or not really depends on Nick's opinion on how well I can do it and how he sees me ingame so why bother with a wall of text? I'll let the decision fall on that. You know me and a lot of the trusted players ingame and that's what really matters, these walls of text probably take forever to read. So should I be a moderator again, Nick? Your decision.