Moderator application: 100penguin
Age: 16
Location: UK
Timezone: GMT
Join Date: Early september 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Tobs74 daniblue182
Zeradeth_Why you should become a moderator: Having recently achieved city status for my /home area I feel that I have finally made the first of many large contributions to the server, and I don't want it to end there! I have lots of experience as moderator+ on other servers both SMP and classic, so think that I'd make a good addition to the mod team. I've been on the server over a year, and have gained valuable experience watching and learning from other moderators about how to do their job and am yet to be banned. Although I joke in game, I am level headed and I think that I have the mental strength and maturity to moderate. I have also found that there are few active mods in the GMT time zone, so even if I am not chosen please consider someone from this area of the world. Thank you for reading this