January 27, 2025, 07:10:50 pm


What should the name of the city surrounding the tower be?

City of Harmony
Harmony City

Author Topic: City of Harmony/Harmony City  (Read 3346 times)

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City of Harmony/Harmony City
« on: March 04, 2014, 09:14:40 pm »
     Hello again all Opticraft players. This is my second project continuing off of my first, Tower of Harmony. This city will be built around the tower in the biome. This city will be fairly large and will contain many jobs, ranks, and activities for users to take part in. Note that this city will only start being created once the tower is finished. So this post is basically just a head start. Below is a live map link to the city area and under that is a outline for the city.

     Not only can you help build the city, but you can also live in it, try out new activities, and even apply for a rank. Ranks for the city are basically titles to let others know what you do or who you are known as in the city. Each rank is unique in its own way. Everyone gets a house to start with for a low/high cost depending on what class of building you want. Citizens are just people who live within the walls of the city, but when applying for other ranks you get your own place to work with. Like for example, a merchant would get a shop and a miner would get a mineshaft with an aprpriate storage hut for what ever they mined. If you would like a description of each rank, read on down.

     There are a few things you can do to help with my project. Donating Materials is one thing that would really help with the build and make things easier for me. You can donate at /home gubagamer 2 in any chest that isn't full. The list of items I need are listed in the spoiler below.
(click to show/hide)
If you are interested in doing more than donating items, then you can apply for the jobs to help out with the city below.
Jobs for city construction: Landscaper, Home Designer, Fortification Builder (Walls), Plot Layout Designer, and Road Designer/Builder.

If you want to actually live and work in the city then you can apply for a rank.
Ranks for living in the city: Citizen, Farmer, Merchant, Brewer, Blacksmith, Miner, Lumberjack, Mayor, Grief Control.
Note that you can apply and have any rank/job you want even if another player already has it. Mayor is the only one currently locked and only one person can have.
To get a full description of the available jobs/ranks click the spoiler below.
(click to show/hide)

To get back to the tower project post click on the spoiler below.

Current City Jobs

Current Player Rankings
Owner: gubagamer
Blacksmith: Caanite
Mayor: Gogar72
Miner: hunt12er
Lumberjack: zwaan111

Application Format
In Game Name:
Job Applying For (Optional):
Why You Deserve This Job:
Rank Applying For:
Why You Deserve This Rank
Copy and Paste this format when replying to the post.

Progress of The City
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 10:03:57 pm by Gubsta »