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hey! How far over can we go?
upon further inspection I have found a 350 PSU. I als have two fans and two heatsinks, so I might be good on cpu cooling if needed.i amnoticing that some keyboards are advertised to only work with certain operating sysems, is this true? Because that keyboard nick put up is aweome but I wanna try Windows 8.1. Well acually i mihht go with chips because red hurts my eyes, especally with lights. not sure why. bur then again I kinda wamna try thse macros. seemz like fun. so my next question is, are macros even useful/worth it?(excuse horrible typing, under covers at nihht with ps vita pain in the ass keyboard)
Quote from: RuthlessTomato on March 25, 2014, 11:06:24 amhttp://pcpartpicker.com/user/RuthlessTomato/saved/4a93Ya Nick is right... that's one of the worst builds I've seen.
Just saying, Minecraft is run almost 90% off of the CPU, not GPU. I do know salsa plays Minecraft a lot, so I got him a CPU based-build.