Age:13 (14 in a month
Location: England
Time zone: Gmt
Join Date: 28th of September 2012
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Why you should become a moderator: I would love to become a mod because I love helping people out and id like to try and help the opticraft server as much as I can. I am an extremely active player ,I come on 4-5 hours on a school night and 10-12 hours on a weekend. I have been this active since I joined opti. Opti has been my favourite server and more or less my only server and I love playing on it. Lots of the time in holidays I am the only person on. Since I've become trusted I've tried to help new guests as much as I can and try to make them feel welcomed to opticraft. I try to sort out problems to the best of my ability. I'm great at calming situations down and listening to both points of view. Unfortunately when I was kind of new to the server I made a stupid mistake and that got me a permanent ban , I was devastated and when I got back on opti I made sure that this wouldn't happen again. However from then I think I have matured and learnt new skills on opti. I am happy to help anyone that asks for it and I always seem to be the only person online a lot of the time. I have a massive commitment to opti as it is and if I was to become a mod this would increase even more. Thanks guise and all the best to everyone else